Promote well-being of all AMAmates

Promote well-being of all AMAmates

Culture and Integration

Our President, Christian Guillemot, regularly reminds us that “our employees are our most precious asset”.
Paying attention to the quality of the integration of our new employees is a daily concern at AMA. Regularly, an Onboarding session is organized for the latest AMA employees.
It consists of a meeting with our CEO, followed by exchanges with each member of the management committee and training on our XpertEye solution.

Quality of life at work

The “Great Place to Work” label, received in 2019, pushes us to continuously improve, to promote the well-being, the professional fulfillment of AMAmates, as well as the performance of the company.

We want them to be happy within the company and this is achieved by providing them with quality material and convivial moments throughout the year.

Training and skills development

We wish to allow our employees to develop skills throughout their professional career

For example, in the “research and development” division, training sessions are regularly offered to peers within the AMA Academy, to allow some to share their knowledge and others to develop new skills.

Diversity and inclusion

We are committed to promote diversity in our teams, starting with our management committee, where there is gender parity.

In addition, 38% of management positions are held by women, who represent 36% of the workforce in a digital sector that is still very male-dominated.